3-C Family Services Senior Psychologist Michael Lambert, PhD, was recently selected by the Association of Black Psychologists to receive its annual Sage Professional Award for the best paper published in the Journal of Black Psychology.
Where Do All of the Prescription Bottles Go?
By 3cfs_Admin

By Lori Schweickert, MD | Pediatric & Adult Psychiatrist
You may have noticed from time to time a basket of overflowing empty medicine bottles (containers for liquid medicine, over the counter vitamins, or prescription bottles) of all kinds at 3-C Family Services.
But what exactly happens to all of these bottles?
For the past 15 years, the Medical Director of 3-C Family Services, Lori Schweickert, MD, has accompanied or led a team of medical professionals and others to developing countries in order to provide medical care to indigent people in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Thailand, Honduras, or Haiti.
Dr. Lambert Talk on “Regular” CBT versus Trauma-Focused CBT
By 3cfs_Admin

Michael Lambert, PhD, will be giving a talk on “Regular” CBT versus Trauma-Focused CBT: Spotlight on Treatment on Thursday, May 15. Additional details are as follows:
3-C Family Services Radio Spot
By 3cfs_Admin
3-C Family Services is running a new radio spot throughout the Triangle. Have you heard it yet?
Check it out by pressing the play button below.
3-C Family Services Radio Spot (2014)
Dr. Schweickert Presenting to SAS Employees
By 3cfs_Admin